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Digital Strategy

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Convince and convert

January 30, 2019

The rules to follow to succeed as an entrepreneur

Digital Strategy

In this article, we’re moving away from the topic of digital marketing to discuss entrepreneurship in a broader sense.

Since its creation over 4 years ago, our agency is now experiencing its best results.

Lots of you ask us how to go about starting up, how to deal with doubts and fears, how to know whether something’s working or not, etc.

So, with a little bit of hindsight, here are 5 rules we follow closely to make sure our ship stays afloat.

Ne perdez pas votre temps 

Let’s be honest: on your journey as an entrepreneur, you’re going to encounter people who are totally useless, negative and even harmful to your development. Learn to identify this kind of people and politely remove them so you can instead focus on people who want to help you reach the top. In our often superficial world, people who stay true to themselves are often a rare breed.

Focus on what you do best

Naturally, you’ll want to do everything for your clients and offer them everything you can. In order to avoid sapping your energy, clearly establish the scope of your activity and focus on it. It’s better to be excellent in just one area than average in several.

Put yourself in your client's shoes

Instead of boring prospective clients by boasting about your knowhow, vast range of services, endless list of products and incredible ideas, mention the benefits they can expect to gain from working with you.

Ultimately, it’s results that count, and nothing else.

Money is an inevitable factor

Of course it’s important to make a living, but rather than seeing money as an end in itself, view it as an inevitable factor in your work. If the result is inevitable, the process you go through to reach it will seem natural. If it’s inevitable, it exists. If it exists, you’ll get it.

Do some exercise

Working your mind is all well and good, but working your body is essential. Entrepreneurs with energy will give off a positive, powerful and reassuring image to their prospective clients, as someone who takes care of themselves will do the same for their clients.

Find an activity that fits with your lifestyle. The best ideas come in our most lucid moments, which themselves occur due to the release of endorphins.

What’s the key to your success?

Tell us about the rules you follow to stay on track!

We’ll expand this series with further advice in the future.

To be continued…


February 7, 2019 at 3 pm 39 min

un esprit sain dans un corps sain !

February 13, 2019 at 8 am 05 min

Hello, Mon avis sur la question... Bien souvent c'est la "personne" qui fait la différence et rarement l'outil ou le business choisi. De ce que je constate, la cause de l'échec c'est très souvent le manque d'effort ou d'engagement... c'est là que se fait en principe toute la différence entre ceux qui vont percer et ceux qui seront découragés après quelques mois. En parallèle de ça, bien garder les "pieds" sur terre sur le plan financier et s'entourer de personnes qui sont partie de zéro et qui ont dû faire attention dans leur quotidien... Beaucoup de professionnels qui vont vous conseiller ne sont pas à la gestion des finances et ne sont pas forcément de bon conseil... donc prudence. A bientôt !